Medulin - Istrien - Kroatien
Information om din Semester i Medulin
Vi har 364 inkvarteringar i Medulin i vårt utbud.
Den lilla staden Medulin har ca 1800 invånare och ligger 11 km från Pula, den närmaste största staden. Medulin är uppdelad i följande områden: Kamp Kazela.
Apart from hotels and campsites, Medulin also offers rooms and apartments in private family houses, so that Medulin's total daily accommodation capacity is 17,000 tourists. Everything here is subject to tourism. The mainstay of tourism in Medulin are sports. Young generations are familiar with the Medulin disco, while the lovers of live music and dance can find entertainment on many of the open terraces in Medulin. The town is also famous for its high quality concerts of classical music which take place in the summer. About 40 restaurants found in Medulin represent a real challenge for gourmands, either for the lovers of modern cuisine or for those who favour original fish, meat or vegetarian dishes.
The summer in Medulin is abundant with various music and sport events as well as entertainment, including the traditional carnival (in February), St. James the Apostle's Day, the patron saint of Medulin (in July), and the Sanpjero Cup, a traditional competition in the games of skill organized for the young people from five villages within the Medulin Municipality (in July and August).
With its six grass football fields, track and field facilities and favourable Mediterranean climate, Medulin represents an ideal training centre for football players and other athletes. In addition, there are facilities for many other sports: tennis, miniature golf, bowling, boccia, beach volley; surfing, yachting, horseback riding, diving, water skiing; boats, beach canoes, pedal boats, water scooters, bicycles and motorbikes on rent.
MEDULIN, a town in the extreme south of Istria, 11 km southeast of Pula, on the north-eastern part of the well-indented Medulin Bay; elevation 29 m. Chief occupations are farming, fishing and tourism. Sandy bottom, the pine forest on the peninsula south of the town and a relatively easy access have accounted for development of tourism. The port of Medulin is extremely shallow (0.9 to 2.5 m) and therefore suitable only for smaller vessels. The protected Medulin Bay is -ideal for camping and swimming, so that a campsite was arranged on the south-eastern coast of the Kasteja Peninsula (2 km from Medulin). Medulin lies on the regional road Pula - Pomer - Medulin - Liznjan.
The Izula Peninsula features the ruins of a Roman country villa and antique graves. Prehistoric hill-forts (stone fortification) can be found on the hill Vrcevan and Cape Kasteja (Punta Kasteja). The parish church of St. Agnes keeps a silver--plated processional cross from the 15th century.
Semester i Medulin med Adrialin
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